
Speed Setpoint Input 505/Vantage - ナレッジベース / Turbine Articles - Woodward Technical Support

Speed Setpoint Input 505/Vantage


Speed setpoint - -

Loaded tunables and tested here – it worked fine – the steps to enter a setpoint are as follows (this may have been the customer issue….)

  1. Open the Entered Setpoint pop-up window (initial it will show 0 and Invalid setpoint)

  2. Press ENTER key to allow setpoint entry from display keypad

  3. Using display keypad enter desire value (1200 below)

  4. Press ENTER key again to have dialog box accept the setpoint

  5. Press the GO button to ramp to entered setpoint
    (Next time the Entered Setpoint pop-up window is opened, it will have the previous entered (valid/accepted) setpoint



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