
John Deere OH1.2 CNG Engine Support - ナレッジベース / Engine Articles - Woodward Technical Support

John Deere OH1.2 CNG Engine Support


The John Deere 6.8l and 8.1L CNG enignes using the OH1.2 system are supported by John Deere directly.  For technical support contact Mike Dekutoski, DekutoskiMichaelB@JohnDeere.com or 319-292-6370, at John Deere.  Also see https://www.deere.com/en_US/services_and_support/engine-information/natural_gas_engines_electronic_control_system/natural_gas_engines_electronic_control_system.page for more support from John Deere.

For more information about the OH1.2 system see Woodward product specification 03224.