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Preliminary Notice - Woodward Security Bulletin 01661 "Urgent/11" - Knowledgebase / Turbine Articles - Woodward Technical Support

Preliminary Notice - Woodward Security Bulletin 01661 "Urgent/11"

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Here is a link to the US-CERT advisory on Urgent/11:  Between the email below, the Security Bulletin and the US-Cert link.  For general information, anyone can Google Armis, Wind River, VxWorks or Urgent/11.  Armis even has a set of videos posted demonstrating the vulnerabilities.  

For Woodward-specific questions we can create an FAQ if you think it’s needed.  The big questions that may come up would be specifically when we will make patched Footprints available and who will install them.  We don’t have exact dates yet, but the first releases should be out within a month.  In terms of customers who can’t or won’t install Service Packs themselves, obviously we’d prefer to get paid for a service trip, however no decision has been made yet on policy and this may have to be taken on a case-by-case basis in coordination with the CAMs.  

Generally the priority we have established based on risk is:

MicroNet Plus

MicroNet TMR

MM Atlas 



The actual sequence will vary some based on shared software trunks and test stand availability.  RTN modules and Gateways won’t be patched but may see updated Footprints due to shared software trunks.

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